B Sure, B Tested, B Hep B Free
A couple of months ago, I was given a rare opportunity to be a part of a worthy cause. It was a small part but nonetheless something I was very proud of especially as a "starting out" photographer. I was asked to take the photos of San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and Assembly Member Fiona Ma for the ad campaigns that were posted in the trolleys and billboards in the city of San Francisco. It has been so long and I almost forgot about it (how can one forget something like this huh? Well, there is a story behind it :)

As I was on my way to attending Tero Sade's one of the most successful photographers in Australia, business seminar, I saw the trolleys with the anti-hepatitis ads on it. (I did not even know that they ended up picking Fiona wearing the blue sweater). So neat to see the actual ad! Glad I was able to take snapshots of the ad on the muni before they took it down - I think that it SO cool, would'nt you agree?

There it is -- in the Muni!

Closer look!

Behind the Scenes
Look - My make-up artist, me and Ms. Ma - The photoshoot with Ms. Ma was a breeze compared to the shoot with Mayor Gavin...it was relaxed, in her office, and definitely a private session.

You've got 7 minutes! Now, even God did not create the world in 7 minutes! Ok, admittedly, the circumstances when we did the shoot was undesirable. We shot at city hall in a crammed room we shared with a production crew shooting the same day for the Hep B commercial. They were first, then we're next. By the time our shoot came, we had his aids, bodyguards, some folks involve in the campaign (I think they were from Stanford) and so many other people in the room. Man, talk about time pressure and people trying to get snapshots of him. Oh well...let's just say I had some lessons learned from that shoot. And ofcourse, Mr. mayor was so charming, it was a challenge to keep his smile appropriate to the purpose of the shoot....I would have loved to just keep pressing that shutter on and on....but dang those bodyguards...talk about pressure huh!

Last but not least, my creative director

1 Comment:

  1. Roxy said...
    Love those 4 shtos of the mayor, especially with him pointing to the camera!!!

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